Monday, March 1, 2010

Why Does It Take Something Big?

Why does it take something big to happen to learn about someone or to come together with someone? Well, as I write this I realize it doesn't neccessarily take something big - sometimes it only takes something small. I suppose it depends on the scenario but it does have me thinking (oh nooo...hope I didn't lose you).

Many times it takes someone passing away before we learn about their life and what type of person they were. You may have thought you knew that person in general terms...but you really didn't. It took their leaving us to truly be compelled by their character.

It reminds me that each and everyone of us outside of our immediate circles are so special and unique.

Sometimes it takes having an enormous disconnect with a spouse or friend to bring you closer to that person. The process is miserable but the results can many times result in a higher regard or love or respect for the other person. I am always amazed when this happens in my life. I would not say that I look foward to it - but I definitely stand back in awe when I am on the other side of it!

Taking that extra bit of time with someone (or not), stopping and listening to someone (or not), even just looking at someone (or not) are a few of the "small" things that tell us about one another (especially over extended periods of time). My husband and I refer to these situations as "bids." When either of us don't feel acknowledged or understood (usually verbally) we gently tell the other that "he/she has rejected my bid." We don't have to agree. We don't have to see everything through the same set of glasses. We just have to respect each other. It works for us because we value each others feelings.

I have to somewhat disagree with saying "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." My poor husband might be sleeping out on the front lawn!! Many times for me it does take something small to connect with my spouse or family or friends.

Ironically, it makes me sad that most times it takes something big to connect with those that aren't quite as close. If something big has happened in their lives, I look at them differently, I remember them in a new way and be it praise or compassion comes forth in abundance. Why does it take something big?
Dancing Butterfly Pink Topaz Ring
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