Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just Like a Dude

Our 19 month old son Jack is 15.5 months younger than our daughter, Lily. The dynamics of their relationship is something that my husband and I have taken quite an interest in.

It is amazing what a difference each month makes in maturity (or in this case, I should say immaturity). The last few months Lily has become very aggressive with Jack. She steam rolls him, grabs anything and everything out of his hands and loves to tell him what to do.

It is very frustrating watching these episodes. I find myself continually repeating myself, trying to impliment positive relationship skills between the two of them. I feel like a broken record. Share. Please shaaaaaare...PLEASE SHARE (&^%&^%#&%@)!!!

Such a simple concept for a 40 year old....not so simple for a three year old.

When Lily starts picking on Jack - he clearly doesn't like it. He will do battle with her for a few rounds then he just takes off on his own to another room. He just dismisses himself and finds somewhere else to play without all the shenanigans. It really is something to watch.

I can't help but find my heart privately going out to Jack. 'Poor guy - can't he just hold the darn "Thumbalina" doll for a minute?'

I smirk because the times that my husband Art and I don't seem to be "jiving, " he will just kind of disappear into his Martian cave...keeping things on the down low. It still drives me crazy when he goes caveman on me - but after watching Jack in action with Lily, I have a much better understanding for his retreat. I also can't help but wonder what shenanigans I am pulling to send him away! :)

While at the playground last week Jack approached a little girl to play. She totally blew him off. I caught it on video and his composure once again melted my heart.

He just picked himself up and moved on down the road. Who needs it? Right?

Jack, you are one cool dude.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Sarah! Love the peek into your life, and the video... good for Jack to initiate and to stay cool and composed! Love to you and more, please! Your words and experiences are important and beautiful (just like you, my sweet friend).
