Sunday, March 14, 2010

Coming Clean (And Getting Comfortable)

I was really agitated the other evening at the fact that my husband just assumes that I want to watch ESPN or the NFL channel each night before we go to sleep. I lay there thinking to myself "when we were dating he hardly EVER watched football, let alone in the off season. Why has his interest grown and grown, year after year?"

When I remind him that I don't recall him being much of a tv sports fan while we were dating - he just kind of giggles and says "Oh! I could watch football 24 hours a day! I just love it! When we were dating I didn't want you to think I watched football all the time. I tried to consider you."

Clearly, we are not dating anymore! :)

I distinctly remember myself telling Art that I really am NOT a big shopper. I know I blew my cover on that one not too long after we got home from our honeymoon and every year there after! Ooooopps!

I was thinking about how we are both getting much more comfortable in our marriage. Art does like to watch football and I do like to shop. So why did we down play those interests while we dated? All I can say is that I down played my shopping because I thought it would make him feel more comfortable with me. I mean - I didn't want to scare him off! I would assume Art down played his football for the same reason.

Ironically, by prompting the two things we have down played we have reached a much higher level of comfort!

So we watch our football (off season, on season, sports talk, or any type of game with a ball or a puck that we can get our hands on) and I am still considered "a shopper," however that is a solo sport.

The funny part is that I do like football! I don't want to watch it everyday - but I certainly like the game a lot and love having it on in our home. One of the reasons I like it is because Art likes it.

Now if I can get Art to like shopping! :)
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  1. I am quite certain that I can attest: you will not get Art to like may, however, get Art to pretend that he likes shopping. but it will only be because he loves you. I am afraid that is the best you can do. and to tell you the truth, that's not such a bad thing.....

  2. Thanks for the reality check Leon! Deep in my heart I know for certain that Art will NEVER like shopping. Sad as that may be - he is still a "keeper!"
