Monday, May 24, 2010

Did I Mention How Great My Husband Is?

The last month has been slightly busy for Art and I.

Art has spent the last few weeks preparing for a trial and then follwed by a week in trial. What that means for Jack, Lily and I is...NO DAD TIME.

It also means waking up alone, going to sleep alone, dinner alone, bed time stories alone.

Not only is it lonely without Art around - it is a lot of extra work. I really appreciate when he comes home at night and takes the kids in the backyard for an hour so I can breathe and whip up some strange and usually unsuccessful concoction for dinner. I love how he always has the coffee hot and ready when I wake up an hour or more later than him. It is not unnoticed or forgotten that most mornings he does the first diaper change and prepares the oatmeal. I don't want to forget to mention that when he gets home for work most nights he lets me sneak off for an hour or more, so that I can get a workout in or some extra work accomplished.

The last month all of these pleasantries were taken away. All these small but "oh so meaningly" acts of kindness were no more. It was a wonderful reminder of how much I appreciate my mate and value his loving gestures. Thank you Artie.

PS I am so glad that trial is over!!

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