Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Cleaning (Year Round)

Roll your eyes now and keep reading. I am one of those people who is constantly getting rid of stuff, organizing stuff and cleaning. It makes me feel good.

I can't stand to hold onto something unless I am using it or know for sure that I will in the future.

I just prefer to not save my shoes with dorky heels from passed seasons(incase they come back in style), unsuccessful craft projects, clothes that will never fit again and even if they do I probably wouldn't wear them because I have other things that I like more!

I laugh at a few of my friends (they know who they are) when they say "but this is a classic style!" I reassure them that even though it is classic, they have five just like it and MAYBE they don't need FIVE!!!


Now just by writing "simplify," I will get a nudge from my husband later who doesn't think I know that there is such a word. I can proudly say "He has nooooo idea. If he only knew!"

Many people would say that because it is so easy for me to let go of my "not of the moment " possessions that I am not sentimental, which is far from the truth. I am very sentimental but my sanity is also very important to me. I seem to function better with my work, myself and my family when I don't have cluttered surroundings and my environment is in order. I have tried to let go of this "tidy tendancy" but I have come to the conclusion that if I don't stay the course it will be worse than better for our family unit and all who surround me.

It is more of a challenge to be a "neat freak" when you have two toddlers, but because I have "healthy" compulsive tendencies, I happily take on the challenge. I have slacked quite a bit the last six just gets harder and harder. I pick up the toys - they come back out. I dust bust under the table...we eat, yet AGAIN! Crumbs! Crumbs! OH THE CRUMBS!! I get everyone bathed and dressed - they run through the sprinklers. I have no choice but to cry surrender! My mom came over to babysit last week and the house was a total wreck. I just told her in disgust "Sorry, can't do it. I just cleaned yesterday...just can't do it again...we will have to live like piggies today....I can't do it agaaaaaaaaaaaaain."

So, I have slacked a little lately. I suppose that means my compulsion is waining. I can't figure out if that is good or bad.

All I know is it is Sunday evening and my trunk is full of clothes to donate tomorrow and for more than one reason, it feels really good to let them go.

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