Monday, July 13, 2009

Gift Giving

Over the years I have received a wide variety of gifts from various people. Some of the gifts I've absolutely loved and others I was not quite sure what the person was thinking- or rather what they thought of me! I don't mean to come off sounding disconnected, ungrateful or snobbish. I do however find gift giving to be very telling from both ends of the spectrum. Price points aside, when you give someone a gift, I have always felt that you are relaying a message to the receiver about how you feel about them and the occasion.

On a side note, have you ever received a gift that you typically wouldn't like or appreciate, but suddenly upon receipt it became very special to you? Some times it seems just because you like the person soooo much, you can do a 180 and really like a gift which you would otherwise be totally disinterested. That gift giver really lucked out (ha ha)!

I would like to think that the jewelry I create can break through many of the barriers in the world of gift giving. I would hope that when someone receives a piece of Saint that even if she isn't a 'frog person' (for example) that she enjoys the symbolism of a Saint frog (true love and lasting friendship) and his affectionate name 'Otis.' Understanding the person that gave her the frog is someone who is sending a very sincere and endearing message. I would like to think that every time she wears her frog piece she is reminded of the kindness of the giver and that they hold a special spot in her heart. I am sure that I am very biased about the whole thing - but I do feel that giving a piece of Saint creates a sentimental connection on multiple levels between the giver and the receiver.

On the flip side...the way one receives a gift is just as important.

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