Monday, May 3, 2010

Dear Mom: A Mother's Day Diary, Part I

Dear Mom,

There are so many thoughts that come to mind when I think of the many ways you cared for me and shared your motherly love with me in ways that only a mother would.

The summer I was around 8 years old, when you golfed 9 to 18 holes with me every single morning to help me win "Miss Novice Junior." At the end of the summer we learned that I didn't win due to some behind the scenes shinanigans. You gifted me with a trophy engraved "To The Real Miss Novice Junior!" I still have that trophy and the memory.

The time when I came home from school in the fifth grade and was feeling "not so pretty." You laid on my bedroom floor with me and held me while I cried. I will always remember you telling me that I had the most beautiful eyelashes.

The year you sat and watched me evening after evening practice learning a back handspring on a mattress. Then it became back flips, then cheers, debate speeches and forensic speeches).

How you always supported and encouraged my creativity even when you had every right not to!

The first year we started Saint you visited every Neiman Marcus store with me. You also worked in the office and basically ran the production (for several years). I don't know many moms would do that for their daughter.

In my mind you were overly protective of me when I was a teen. Now that I am a mother, I look back and I understand why you set such boundries.

I just want to tell you thanks. These are but a few of many memories I have of you. To this day you are a strong, beautiful, energetic woman and I am so blessed that you are my mom.


Sarah Jane

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