Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Neiman Marcus Trunk Show: Atlanta, Georgia

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Guadalupe Health Foundation: Midwest Winefest
Retail Value: $695
Date: April 22, 23 and 24th, 2010
To learn more about the Midwest Winefest and to purchase tickets, please click here.
Guadalupe Health Foundation
The Guadalupe Health Foundation is the beneficiary of the Midwest Winefest. It is the foundation's primary fundraising event.
Gaudalupe Clinic
The Guadalupe Clinic is a volunteer organization of doctors, nurses and other health care professionals who donate their time serving the "working poor" of Wichita regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background. In the last year 56,374 medical services, emergency and community services were provided to clients in 21,006 visits. The need and demand for services continues to grow.
Services offered to all patients include physician visits, health screening/education, pregnancy tests, nutrition counceling, assistance with prescription medications, medical equipment, emergency food/clothing and infant formula and diapers. A volunteer corp of 250-plus medical personnel and other join in providing these services.
Guadalupe Clinic received no federal funding or insurance re-imbursement. Clients who can are asked to donate $5, but such monies only represent 2 percent of income.
Friday, March 26, 2010
My Life Is A Musical

Monday, March 22, 2010
Is The Grass Always Greener?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Happy Birthday Aries!
Treat yourself to a piece of Saint By Sarah Jane aquamarine jewelry.
Featured: Christina Aquamarine Bee Bracelet
All designs copyright Saint, Inc. 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Can You Pick the 2010 Men's NCAA Basketball National Champion?

- 2nd round then your coupon will be worth a 5% discount.
- Round of 16 then your discount will increase to 10%
- Round of 8 then your discount will increase to 20%
- National Semi-finals then your discount will increase to 30%
- National Championship Game then your discount will increase to 40%
- If your team is the National Champion your discount will increase to 50%.
Personal Appearance: Neiman Marcus Scottsdale

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Coming Clean (And Getting Comfortable)
When I remind him that I don't recall him being much of a tv sports fan while we were dating - he just kind of giggles and says "Oh! I could watch football 24 hours a day! I just love it! When we were dating I didn't want you to think I watched football all the time. I tried to consider you."
Clearly, we are not dating anymore! :)
I distinctly remember myself telling Art that I really am NOT a big shopper. I know I blew my cover on that one not too long after we got home from our honeymoon and every year there after! Ooooopps!
I was thinking about how we are both getting much more comfortable in our marriage. Art does like to watch football and I do like to shop. So why did we down play those interests while we dated? All I can say is that I down played my shopping because I thought it would make him feel more comfortable with me. I mean - I didn't want to scare him off! I would assume Art down played his football for the same reason.
Ironically, by prompting the two things we have down played we have reached a much higher level of comfort!
The funny part is that I do like football! I don't want to watch it everyday - but I certainly like the game a lot and love having it on in our home. One of the reasons I like it is because Art likes it.
Now if I can get Art to like shopping! :)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Neiman Marcus Trunk Show: Plano, Texas

Plano, TX
Dates: March 12 & 13
Times: 10am - 5pm
Location: Designer Jewelry
Please stop in and view our traveling trunk show package with exclusive designs and many one-of-a-kind styles. Meet Saint representative Sara Getchell. She will be there both days to help you with all your Saint wants and needs.
Otis Samoa Friendship Earrings
All designs copyright Saint, Inc. 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Just Like a Dude
Our 19 month old son Jack is 15.5 months younger than our daughter, Lily. The dynamics of their relationship is something that my husband and I have taken quite an interest in.
It is amazing what a difference each month makes in maturity (or in this case, I should say immaturity). The last few months Lily has become very aggressive with Jack. She steam rolls him, grabs anything and everything out of his hands and loves to tell him what to do.
It is very frustrating watching these episodes. I find myself continually repeating myself, trying to impliment positive relationship skills between the two of them. I feel like a broken record. Share. Please shaaaaaare...PLEASE SHARE (&^%&^%#&%@)!!!
Such a simple concept for a 40 year old....not so simple for a three year old.
When Lily starts picking on Jack - he clearly doesn't like it. He will do battle with her for a few rounds then he just takes off on his own to another room. He just dismisses himself and finds somewhere else to play without all the shenanigans. It really is something to watch.
I can't help but find my heart privately going out to Jack. 'Poor guy - can't he just hold the darn "Thumbalina" doll for a minute?'
I smirk because the times that my husband Art and I don't seem to be "jiving, " he will just kind of disappear into his Martian cave...keeping things on the down low. It still drives me crazy when he goes caveman on me - but after watching Jack in action with Lily, I have a much better understanding for his retreat. I also can't help but wonder what shenanigans I am pulling to send him away! :)
While at the playground last week Jack approached a little girl to play. She totally blew him off. I caught it on video and his composure once again melted my heart.
He just picked himself up and moved on down the road. Who needs it? Right?
Jack, you are one cool dude.
Monday, March 8, 2010
"Loving My Frosted Bees!"

Friday, March 5, 2010
Indiana Jones and The Three Lost Boys
Yesterday was my once a month visit - volunteering at St. Mary's Food Bank with my good friend Hester. During each visit the experience is unique, eye opening, educational and always humbling.
In the middle of our shift three young boys walked in with an older gentleman wearing an "Indiana Jones" type outfit. It was hard not to notice them. It turned out that the older gentleman was a parole officer and the three boys were fullfilling their community service hours. Hester and I didn't flinch at the situation, mainly because each visit we have made to St. Mary's has been working side by side with mostly "community service" type people if you know what I mean! However, they are usually a lot older and their crimes are on the more luminous end of spectrum (driving w/o registration etc...).
Indiana and his boys were different.
These three boys, Scoti, Dave and Luis were each around fifteen years of age. Each boy had served up to three years in juvenille detention and had been arrested a minimum of four times. The program they were partaking in with Indiana was basically their last chance to turn their lives around.
Next stop is the big house.
You could tell Indiana really cared for those boys and they seemed to have genuine respect for him.
Indiana said his program had a 50% success rate. He said his program is mostly comprised of intense therapy on a multitude of levels dealing with each individuals situation. It is a graduated therapy process. He said his program was probably going to be cut this year - as we all know Arizona is in deep financial trouble.
I spent about ten minutes visiting with Scoti. It was hard to believe that he had such a troubled history. He was very excited because on March 21st a group of kids from his church are going to do a break dancing performance at the Phoenix Suns Game. He has been practicing non stop. He did a moonwalk for us! He wants to finish high school. He wants to attend ASU and eventually get a PHD in psychology so that he can be a therapist for kids like him.
Scoti only has five more hours of community service and his parole will be complete. I assured him that he can definitely do all the things that he told me he wanted to do and that I was so excited for him. His face lit up like the fifteen year old boy that he was. He looked like he was ready to take on the world.
I am praying for you Scoti. You can do it.
Guilloche Silver Cross
All designs copyright Saint, Inc. 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010
Why Does It Take Something Big?
Many times it takes someone passing away before we learn about their life and what type of person they were. You may have thought you knew that person in general terms...but you really didn't. It took their leaving us to truly be compelled by their character.
It reminds me that each and everyone of us outside of our immediate circles are so special and unique.
Sometimes it takes having an enormous disconnect with a spouse or friend to bring you closer to that person. The process is miserable but the results can many times result in a higher regard or love or respect for the other person. I am always amazed when this happens in my life. I would not say that I look foward to it - but I definitely stand back in awe when I am on the other side of it!
Taking that extra bit of time with someone (or not), stopping and listening to someone (or not), even just looking at someone (or not) are a few of the "small" things that tell us about one another (especially over extended periods of time). My husband and I refer to these situations as "bids." When either of us don't feel acknowledged or understood (usually verbally) we gently tell the other that "he/she has rejected my bid." We don't have to agree. We don't have to see everything through the same set of glasses. We just have to respect each other. It works for us because we value each others feelings.
I have to somewhat disagree with saying "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." My poor husband might be sleeping out on the front lawn!! Many times for me it does take something small to connect with my spouse or family or friends.
Ironically, it makes me sad that most times it takes something big to connect with those that aren't quite as close. If something big has happened in their lives, I look at them differently, I remember them in a new way and be it praise or compassion comes forth in abundance. Why does it take something big?