Many people ask me (quite often) "what do you do?" As a jewelry designer, the tasks are plentiful but the best part of my job is being able to sit down in a quiet space and sketch. That time has become more precious and harder to come by the last three years. I wish that I could share with you what I am working on presently - but that probably wouldn't be a good idea! I will keep it quiet until the product is complete.
However, I do have some older sketches of designs that are for sale on our website, http://www.saintbysarahjane.com/. We have just loaded quite few of these doodles onto our newly launched Facebook page. We thought it would be fun for you to see the variety and style of conceptualization that takes place before the product is made. There are a lot not so pretty (aka: sloppy) sketches thrown out onto the paper - just to make sure I get the idea down before it floats away. I can always go back to it later and develop it and expand on the concept. Finally I end up w/ a nice, clean technical drawing (which I don't post for fans because that is like giving away the recipe - right?!)!:)
To my dismay, we have mountains of conceptual drawings neatly tucked away into three ring binders - just itching to be made. It is very frustrating to be on my end of the process and see all these ideas buried on top of one another and not being able to produce them. It makes me sad. I suppose it is just like being a shopper and not being able to buy everything that you want. You have to edit and make choices for a variety of reasons. I have never been much of an "editor!"
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