We didn't make a Christmas card this year (or last year for that matter). Not sure where the time goes but it go, go, goes!!
I remember looking at my husband while opening the mail a week into December and saying "It doesn't look like many people are sending Christmas cards this year." Then during the following two weeks the cards were arriving rapid fire, I found myself saying "OH, NO!! We didn't make a Christmas card! How does everyone have time to make a family photo and we don't?"
Art just laughed at me.
I was disappointed that we didn't take the time to have a picture made with the four of us at some point during 2009! I realized yet again, that we still didn't have a family photo! I was starting to get mad! "How can we not have a family photo! Every photo we have, someone is missing, or my hair is goofy or Lily doesn't have on a shirt or Jack is blurred!!"
We spent Christmas back in Wichita this year and it was the most beautiful white Christmas. What a treat to have our two tiny tots experience the beauty of snow together for the first time. Our family was all inside gathered around my parents kitchen (as usual), when Art suggested we go outside and take a family photo. OH WOW! It was actually going to happen! Not only were we going to have a photo with the four of us, but on Christmas Day and with SNOW! I was pinching myself!!
So here it is!! Our very first Bourque Family photo with all the trappings!! Hooray!!
Happy Holidays to everyone and a very Happy New Year!!!!
The Bourque Family
Art, Sarah Jane, Jack and Lily
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