Saint first opened its doors approximately thirteen years ago. It is just amazing how we have come up against obstacle after obstacle and are still able to ride those waves. On that note, I will say that we have never come up against an "economic wave" such as the one that we are all experiencing more or less "together."
Metal prices have literally tripled and quadrupled in the last year and it really can affect the way a company will choose to design their product and the inventory levels they keep. We are a small, artisan company. Everything is still produced in house and under our watch. In some aspects this has helped us and in other ways it has really challenged us more than ever, in the last year.
They type of product we are known for, as well as appreciated for, have been pieces of substantial weight and extra detailing on both the inside and outside of the piece. We are seeing that a lot of "of the moment" designers are coming out with designs that are of extreme light weight and hardly any workmanship. A "new look," if you will. It is always refreshing to see new looks and I myself greatly appreciate simplicity. I suspect that there are several reasons that this lighter weight and more streamlined look have become such a popular direction for jewelry designers and their investors. I dare say that the main reason isn't about creativity but rather business and the bottom line.
If you can create a very simple and light weight design - it will cost you a lot less in labor and metal costs and will be much cheaper and easier to produce overseas, as well as a lot lighter weight to ship back to the U.S. Therefore that gives you extra money to put into your packaging and branding. In the end you have put very little money or value into a product with a fancy designer name and packaging and can then attach a handsome retail price tag. In other words the product that the consumer is being encouraged to purchase is the popularity of the brand name and not the quality of the product. Does this make sense?
Saint, is waaaaay behind the trend when it comes to making a buck! Saint is a small, American made, artisan, design house with extremely high quality materials, artisan design details and very small domestic production runs.
As a Saint collector or as a new Saint customer, you are going to really appreciate these qualities in that you are investing in a piece of work that not only has intrinsic value but your Saint pieces will retain their value as well as their aesthetic.
I share this with you so that you can become an educated jewelry shopper. The next time you are shopping and you see a pair of tissue-thin silver earrings in a handsome box that are the same price as a pair of heftier earrings with hand carved patterns and grill work on the underside as well as solid 18k gold details (not 18k painted on details or stamped on details) you will at least know by these simple features which pair of earrings is more valuable in metal and workmanship. You may go ahead and purchase the lighter weight, simpler earring (like I said, I love simplicity myself) but you will at least KNOW what you are spending your money on.
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